Merry Christmas and a joyful seasons greeting to everyone. In this crazy season it’s been a chore making all the adjustments and dealing with all the issues. But life does go on and in the midst of this craziness comes the most exciting Christmas present Debbie and I could ask[…]
Dennis’ Book-His Life
Chapter 1 Seeds of Rejection? August 26, 2001, 7 a.m. I thought to be the darkest day of my life. It was at that time that the Stephens County Sheriff’s Department, along with the Oklahoma Highway Patrol and other law enforcement agencies knocked down the door to my shop, covered[…]
Thanksgiving 2019
A Big Thank You From All The Recovery Church Family Hi Friend, This Thanksgiving season Debbie and I would like to give a sincere “Thank You” to those of you who have supported The Recovery Church ministry in so many different ways. Your prayers, encouragement, and love, have meant more[…]
Thanksgiving 2018
This newsletter is a little out of order but the words express our hearts perfectly! To God & Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit Be The Glory! Hi Friends, Debbie and I would like to express our sincere gratitude for those of you who have partnered with this ministry through[…]
Christmas Blessing 2018
Merry Christmas and Happy Prosperous 2019 The Incredible Story of God, as a Loving Father, Entering into the Dimension Called Time, Through His Son Jesus, so He Could Once Again Have Intimate Relationships With His Children. Let’s Seriously Examine Ourselves This Time of the Year, and Ask Ourselves This One Question,[…]
Spring 2018 Newsletter–Great Testimonies
Hi Friends, Debbie and I are so excited and thankful to our Lord for how our church body is growing and maturing as disciples in the Lord. We are increasing in numbers, but more importantly our folks are getting it. Many in our church are coming out of a life[…]
Christmas 2018
MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE RECOVERY CHURCH FAMILY On behalf of the entire Recovery Church Family Debbie and I would like to wish you and yours a very “Merry Christmas” and a Prosperous Happy New Year”! We remain encourage by our church family and you partners who have supported this[…]
November 2017 Newsletter
Friends & Partners WOW!, how time files, Thanksgiving is here and Christmas around the corner. It’s been an exciting year for us. After a year and a half we are finally finishing up the building project. Only thing left undone will be the fellowship hall floor which we are saving[…]
December 2017 Newsletter
MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE RECOVERY CHURCH FAMILY Friends, On behalf of the entire Recovery Church Family Debbie and I would like to wish you and yours a very “Merry Christmas” and a Prosperous Happy New Year”! We remain encourage by our church family and you partners who have supported[…]
Christmas 2016 Newsletter
HOME “CHRISTMAS 2016” FRIENDS, Debbie and I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and most prospers New Year. This Christmas is especially special for us. We have so much to be thankful for, Dec. 26th Debbie and I celebrate our 6 year anniversary, last Oct.[…]
July 2016 Newsletter
JULY 2017 Friends Debbie, I, and the entire Recovery Church Family would like to thank all of you who have partnered with us in so many ways over the years to help bring us to this point. It’s been quite a journey, and oh what an education! We have finally reached[…]
Fall 2016 Newsletter
HOME FALL 2016 NEWSLETTER Hi {FIRST_NAME|Friend}, We are excited to announce that Recovery Church has purchased a church building, the old Glad Tidings Assembly of God, it has 3 acres, a 3 bed 2 bath house as well. It set vacant for a several[…]
Summer 2016 Newsletter
HOME Community Hope & Awareness Event at New Hope West was a huge success- Around a 1000 people attended, and ten or eleven churches & youth groups where there. We had all different cultures & denominations represented. We all came together and offered the fruit of our[…]
March 2016 Newsletter
HOME “March 2016 Newsletter” Great testimonies this month of our Lord doing some amazing transformations. Hope and pray these stories encourage you as much as they have us! To God be the glory! Megan & Chad’s Story Megan came to The Recovery Church about 3 years ago.[…]
Winter Newsletter 2015
{FIRST_NAME|Friends} As we gear up to celebrate the season in which heaven sent its King to earth we recently ended our service with an invitation taken from the story of King Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:48-52, “Then many warned him to be quiet; but he cried[…]
Jan 2016 Newsletter
HOME January 2016 Newsletter In Genesis 12: 1-4 God planted a vision / dream in Abraham’s heart that He, (God) was going to do something in Abrams heart first, then through him and his seed would change the world. Abraham believed God and so it came to[…]
Summer 2015 Newsletter
HOME Summer 2015 Newsletter “The Recovery Church” Friends, In recent years, Oklahoma has held the distinction as the state that locks up women at the highest rate not only in the nation, but some reports state that we have more women in prison than any country[…]
Fall 2015 Newsletter
Jubilee 2015 Training Conference Was Over the Top! The common theme of this year’s Jubilee Training Conference was “Raising up Son’s & Daughters of the Kingdom / Making Disciples / Kingdom Ambassadors”. It makes no difference what we are doing in our churches if we are not[…]
April 2015 Newsltter
HOME Spring 2015 Newsletter God’s word for Recovery Church in 2015 has been “New Beginnings”. He has called us to excellence, not perfectionism, but to aspire for excellence. We are created in the very image of God Himself. If we’re not growing and moving forward then we[…]
Feb 2015 Newsletter
HOME February 2015 Newsletter Sorry I missed January newsletter and so late on this one. This year begin busier than last year ended. You might think that’s a good thing, but in ministry that’s not always the case. The Bible teaches us in 1 Timothy 3:4, “If a[…]
Dec 2014 Newsletter
HOME “December 2014 Newsletter” On behalf of the entire Recovery Church family Debbie and I would like to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and most prosperous New Year! It’s our prayer, and deepest desire, that you experience all God has for you, and that[…]
Oct 2014 Newsletter
HOME Oct & Nov 2014 Newsletter We used Halloween as a time to teach our kids the Bible through different stories and skits and topped it off with a hayride with different biblical stories acted out along the way. Also a great fellowship with burgers and hot dogs[…]
Aug & Sept NEwsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter Aug & Sept 2014 Prison Ministry A few months ago Debbie and I attended the necessary training to receive our Department of Corrections, (DOC) Chaplain Badges. In Oct. we will be spending 4 days with the women of Mabel Bassett Women’s prison[…]
July 2014 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter July 2104 The book of Colossians gives us the truth guarded–in Christ complete, sufficient in Christ. It protects the believer’s new and glorious identity and what it should mean to his faith as the walk of faith is confronted with all sorts of religious[…]
Feb 2014 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter February 2104 February has been another eventful month for God’s kingdom and His glory. We begin the new year with several baptisms and a new freedom that can only be experience through a unified body that desires to take the challenge to grow and[…]
March 20114 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter March 2014 Debbie and I recently spent 4 days in Bartlesville, Ok with Errol & Sharon Hada. They are the directors of the Lighthouse Community Center.The center is a homeless shelter that houses about 40 men, 20 women, and several families. They are in[…]
Dec 2013 newsletter
I heard the story of a mother who was out Christmas shopping, frantically trying to get everything done. She had her small child with her, but for a moment, she lost sight of him. In sheer panic, she started retracing her steps and found him with his nose pressed against[…]
Jan 2014 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter January 2014 The Recovery Church One of Debbie’s and mine all time favorite songs is the Heart of Worship by Matt Redmon. The lyrics to the chorus: “I’m coming back to the heart of worship and it’s all about You; all about You, Jesus.[…]
July 2013 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter July 2013 Our 3rd year to celebrate Jubliee with Victory Life Church and Pastor Duane Sheriff. This year was their Silver Jubilee;the inspiration for the Jubilees came to pastor Duane 25 years ago from a passage of Scripture in Luke 17:12-19, “And as he entered into[…]
Sept 2013 Newsletter
HOME We are 1 month away from our fourth annual Jubilee, the flyer below has all the info.This year’s theme is “Celebrating Life and Family”. So many families are being destroyed by drugs & alcohol and all that comes with that destructive lifestyle. Often the children[…]
June 2013 Newsletter
HOME June Newsletter 2013 Anna Boyer recently spoke to our church after returning from a 6 month mission trip in South Africa. She went through some awesome pre-mission training and had months of setting in the presence of God to prepare for this journey.[…]
May 2013 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter May 2013 Wow! It’s already June 2013; this has been a very trying and blessed year, as we have honestly dedicated our lives to building God’s Kingdom Church! Growing from a Recovery group into a biblical based church, from converts to disciples, is not[…]
April 2013 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter April 2013 The Simple Truth: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) Life change takes place when you change how you[…]
February 2013 newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter February 2013 Monthly Newsletter February 2013 Abigail (Abby) Smith Testimony TERMINAL CANCER WASN’T IN MY PLANS When Abby started to talk, you could have heard a pin drop. All eyes were upon this beautiful, young, woman. In the back of our humanistic minds,[…]
March 2013 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter March 2013 Monthly Newsletter March 2013 Rodonna Carter & James Wosener Wedding Rodonna come to us early 2010 when we had Steps of Christ Recovery at Gatlin[…]
Dec. 2012 Newsletter
Monthly Newsletter Nov-Dec 2012 “Merry Christmas” Over the next several weeks we will be getting ready to celebrate the birthday of our Savior, Jesus. It is a time to reflect on all the wonderful blessings we have received this past year. Dennis and I, as we approach[…]
Jan 2013 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter January 2013 Monthly Newsletter January 2013 Christmas Celebration We had a great Christmas party this year with a powerful word on vision. I encourage you to go to the web site at www.deliveredfrommeth and click audio sermons. Find the messages titled “Vision, Minor[…]
Sept 2012 Newsletter
HOME September 2012 Newsletter September Newsletter Jubilee 2012 This month’s feature story is to highlight the Jubilee and talk about the great men and women we Labor with in this exciting work God has set before us. Sharon Cain of drug court, Joe Norton and[…]
Oct Newsletter 2012
HOME Oct. Newsletter 2012 Monthly Newsletter October 2012 Jubilee 2012 Jubilee 2012 “Oasis of Life” is over, and a huge success! God gave us a beautiful day to glorify his name. As I stood on the front porch of the future Castle Recovery Home, and looked[…]
August 2012 Newsletter
HOME August 2012 Newsletter Monthly Newsletter August 2012 Jubilee with Victory Life Church This month’s feature story is Lynn Parr’s transformation from old to new wine skins. Just kidding Lynn! Lynn is our praise team coach. He is pictured on stage with part of the Victory[…]
May 2012 Newsletter
HOME May Newsletter 2012 Josh & Sarah’s Wedding Day Soon I write this months feature story with tears of joy and celebration to our great God. This story is dear to all of our hearts and proves the power of God to change lives that[…]
June 2012 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter June 2012 Monthly Newsletter June 2012 Dennis, Feature Story This month’s newsletter in dedicated to the men and women in prison who have, or is, allowing the Lord to transform their lives and become disciples of Jesus Christ. This picture was taken four[…]
March 2012 Newsletter
HOME March Newsletter March Newsletter 2012 Love makes the world go around. All the world’s religions point to the power of love as central to what it means to be alive. Life offers us so many courses in love, so many chances to refine and expand our[…]
April 2012 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter April 2012 Monthly Newsletter-April 2012 New Sanctuary Easter Sunday will be a special Lord’s Supper and dedication of our new Sanctuary and facility unto the Lord. It took Solomon seven years to build the Lord’s Temple, “The House Solomon Built”. It took seven[…]
February 2012 Newsletter
HOME February 2012 Newsletter Monthly Newsletter — February 2012 The Three Amigo’s This month’s feature story is very dear to our hearts. Trying to express 2 God filled miraculous years in a few lines is nearly impossible, but with prayer and help of the Holy[…]
December 2011 Newsletter
“Merry Christmas” Debbie and I would like to take this time of the year, (celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ), to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. From the bottom of our hearts, we gratefully thank you for the tremendous[…]
January 2012 Newsletter
“Happy New Year” January 2012 Newsletter Misty’s Homecoming Party Our Christmas gift came early as we had a great welcome home party for Misty Thompson. Misty’s journey has been a long and hard one. Misty has been in and out of prison and rehabs most of her adult life.[…]
October 2011 Newsletter
HOME October 2011 Newsletter Monthly Newsletter-October 2011 Friends, In last month’s newsletter we recognized the move of God in the jails, and drug court. We brought you some pretty incredible photos of God the Holy Spirit manifesting Himself in the jail, and then Sharon Cain’s drug[…]
August 2011 Newsletter
HOME August 2011 Newsletter Pictured below are Pastor Dennis Hall & his wife Debbie, Elder Richard Neeld & his wife Sue, Elder Wayne Graham & his wife Gerol, and Jerry Shaffer and his wife Susan, the laying on of hands and ordaining Jerry as Apostolic Elder. That’s a big[…]
September 2011 Newsletter
HOME September 2011 Newsletter September Newsletter (Dark Night of My Soul) This has been a another very exciting month for the Recovery Church, and last week was the darkest time of my life. Those dark nights of[…]
June 2011 Newsletter
HOME Monthly Newsletter The Recovery Church June 2011 O Lord God, thank You for yet another miracle, mother is well on the road to a full recovery from bone cancer. Hallelujah! Thank all of you for your encouragement and prayers; please continue your prayers for her[…]
July 2011 Newsletter
HOME The Recovery Church July 2011 Monthly Newsletter What is Recovery? Many think we are a church only for drug, alcohol, and other addictions. But the word recovery actually entails much more than[…]
April Newsletter 2011
HOME The Recovery Church Newsletter April 2011 The Jubilee 2011 is fast approaching; there has been a change in one of the praise teams, “The Poured Out Band” is replacing Shapuni Hunter. Poured Out consist most of the Boyer Family, and they do Worship the Lord with their[…]
May 2011 Newsletter
HOME THE RECOVERY CHURCH Monthly Newsletter — May 2011 Friends, Jubilee 2011 “Spring of Life” is over and it was a huge success thanks to many great folks. The praise teams were phenomenal, Karla’s testimony was powerful and moving,[…]
March 2011 Newsletter
HOME THE RECOVERY CHURCH Monthly Newsletter — March 2011 Last year’s Jubilee was such a success that we are in the early stages of developing the 2011 Jubilee, if you are interested in being a part in any way please contact us! Some of our[…]
February 2011 Newsletter
HOME THE RECOVERY CHURCH Monthly Newsletter — February 2011 The Recovery church is a growing family and we gathered recently to support our very own Misty Thompson as she leaves us for 60 days to improve her life. Family and relationships have been our direction since the beginning.[…]
December 2010 Newsletter
HOME “Dennis Hall’s Monthly Newsletter” “Merry Christ-mas “ December 2010 The Christmas story, recorded in Matthew and Luke, has become so familiar that I wonder if we grasp the reality of what actuality happened: An angel told a young virgin that she would conceive a child by the[…]
January 2011 Newsletter
HOME “Dennis Hall’s Monthly Newsletter” Happy New Year January 2010 The Wedding: In 1 Kings, Chapter 8, King Solomon, the son of King David, dedicated the Temple of God, the house that he had built, unto the Lord God. His father David had spent the later part of[…]
Sept.2010 Newsletter
Dennis Hall’s Monthly Newsletter September 2010 Greetings Friends. Above is the flyer for the upcoming Jubilee Celebration honoring our local authorities. As we all join together honoring our authorities, we are actually honoring God. We still live in the greatest country in the world, a Godly country, and one of[…]
Oct 2010 Newsletter
HOME “Dennis Hall’s Monthly Newsletter” October 2010 Greetings Friends: With all my heart I would like to thank everyone who made the “Christian Jubilee Celebration 2010” a huge success. The Duncan Banner wrote a wonderful story and it appeared like I made things happen after being disappointedly rained[…]
Nov 2010 Newsletter
HOME “Dennis Hall’s Monthly” Newsletter Happy Thanksgiving November 2010 The Wedding: Dennis Hall and Debbie Stocking will be married Sunday, December 26th, 2010 at our new “Recovery Church”, located in the Deer Creek Mall (North of Sears), Duncan OK. Dennis’ old Chaplain from prison, Scott Haynes will be[…]
June 2010 Newsletter
“Dennis Hall’s Monthly Newsletter” June 2010 Greetings friends, this month marks the one year anniversary of the newsletter. As I begin this month’s letter, I would like to share with you the first paragraph I wrote in June 2009. Friends, this is a brand new venture[…]
August 2010 Newsletter
“Dennis Hall’s Monthly Newsletter” August 2010 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41). He was no ordinary beggar. Friends carried him every day to the gate of the Temple, where he asked those who went into[…]
May 2010 Newsletter
Dennis Hall’s Monthly Newsletter” May 2010 Dear Friends, “WOW” what another exciting month we have had seeing the devil exposed and defeated. Let me begin with a familiar story of Jesus restoring a girl to life. Mark 5:35-43 (also Matthew 9:23-26; Luke 8:49-56) tells the story. […]
April Newsletter
Newsletter “Dennis Hall’s Monthly Newsletter” April 2010 Hey Friends, with mother’s day fast approaching I am reminded of the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 15:4, “For God commanded, saying, ‘Honor your father and mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.’ I[…]
January 2010
Dennis Hall’s New Year’s Newsletter 2010 Greetings, Friends. I would like to begin this month’s letter by thanking God for our incredible soldiers and their families. It is because of them that we are allowed this great privilege to freely honor our Lord Jesus Christ as we do. It is[…]
February 2010
“Dennis Hall’s Monthly Newsletter” February 2010 Hey Friends, This is the ninth addition of the newsletter and in the beginning we only had a little over one hundred names on the contact list. My, how the Lord has blessed and given increase in such a short time, for[…]
“Dennis Hall’s March Newsletter” “In Memory of Cindy Horn, We Will Miss You” Hey Friends, as I begin this month’s newsletter I am reminded of the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 9:36-38, “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were[…]

On behalf of the entire Recovery Church Family Debbie and I would like to wish you and yours a very “Merry Christmas” and a Prosperous Happy New Year”! We remain encourage by our church family and you partners who have supported this most needful kingdom work. The Recovery Church has[…]